Tuesday, May 11, 2010

11 May 2010

hou yeh!

last night tengok iron man 2, it was quite good. Although there were some down points, who am I to criticise? What gave me the goose bumps was the Thor Trailer which was 'AFTER THE 15 MINUTE LONG CREDITS' which really annoyed me.
But still, back to that Thor thingy, for me its quite a big promise, since if Thor comes out, then there's sure to be Captain America, which will surely lead to the Avengers.
Don't know what I'm talking about? Pergi la search kat wikipedia. Type in 'The Avengers' then baru kamu paham.

On the other side of the story, tadi pergi makan kat kedai makanan indon nearby the casuarina hotel, and boleh pulak jumpa my old friend working there. We had a few laughs here and there, but I had to go home, petang nanti nak kerja, oh damn....


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