Thursday, June 9, 2011

Trailer to next post: Tips on photography (From noobs to stars)

Hiello peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeps!
This post is gonna be short, but I think I should start posting things that people would actually be interested to read about (besides me), so in the next upcoming post (which is still under construction), I'm gonna share some of the little information I have on what is currently my biggest hobby, PHOTOGRAPHY
To make you guys waiting, here's two of my personal favorite pictures:

Anyhow, look forward to the next post! till next time,
tooodles!! :D

P/S: To that special someone out there, sy taw awk tgh bace, yes you, yg tgh sengih sorang2 kat depan laptop tu, sengihan awk comel la. tgk tu, sengih lagi, haihhhh, rindu tgk awk sengih. just so you know, I love you. :P

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